Course curriculum

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    Free Mini Course. My Favorite Pieces of Equipment for Sowing Seeds Indoors.

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    • Welcome!

    • Welcome Information!

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    Foundation of Growing Seeds

    • What are the Differences Between Heirloom, Hybrids & GMOs

    • Notes for Heirlooms, Hybrids & GMOs

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    Timing to Sow your Seeds

    • Timing to Sow Seeds

    • Helpful Links such as Frost Date, Personalized Growing Schedule, and More.

    • Timeline Notes

    • Time Line for Sowing Seeds PDF

    • Fall Gardening Timeline for the Summer.

    • Scarification, Soaking and Stratification

    • Notes for Scarification, Soaking & Stratification

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    Seed Trays and Accessories

    • Frugal Seed Accessories

    • Frugal Accessory Notes:

    • Seed Sowing Accessories I Use.

    • Seed Sowing Accessories List

    • Other Necessary Seed Equipment such as Lighting and Heat Mats.

    • Necessary Equipment List Notes

    • How to Make Your Own Seed Rack

    • Notes Pertaining to How to Build Your Own Seed Shelf

    • Seed that Don't Germinate Well

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    How to Label Your Seeds in Their Pods or Containers

    • How to Label Your Seeds

    • Label Ideas

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    How to Sow Seeds

    • How to Make Your Own Soiless Mix.

    • Soilless Seed Starting Mix Recipe

    • Soil-less Mix to Buy at the Store

    • Peat Hydration

    • How to Sow Seeds in Peat or Coir Pods

    • How to Add Soilless Mix to Soil Containers

    • Seed Germination Issues

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    How to Make Sure Your Seedlings Thrive

    • Morning Routine

    • How to Maintain your Leeks and Onions

    • How to Fertilize and Water your Seedlings

    • Fertilizing and Watering Notes

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    How to Repot Your Growing Seedlings

    • How to Repot Your Seedlings

    • Re-potting Notes

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    • Troubleshooting

    • When and How to Reseed

    • Seed Germination Issues (Duplicate from Seed Sowing Section)

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    Getting Seedling Ready to Go in the Garden

    • How to Harden Off

    • Second Peek at Plants Hardening Off

    • Tips for Hardening Off the Plants

    • Get Ready to Plant

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    Time to Plant

    • Planting Time!

    • Planting Time Links and Information

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    The Next Year

    • How Do You Know if Your Seeds Are Viable?

    • How to Store Seeds for Next Year

    • How Long Do Seeds Last?

    • Congratulations!!! Your Officially a Indoor Seed Sower!

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    • How to Soil Block

    • Seed Blocking Technique Notes

    • How to Make Your Own Cages